This document provides a translation of correspondence received from Cymdeithas yr Iaith.


Canolfan Merched y Wawr

Vulcan Street


SY23 1JH

(: 01970-624501






14 November 2023




Dear Rhuanedd Richards


The impartiality of the British Broadcasting Corporation in Wales on the issue of the devolution of broadcasting


We were concerned by correspondence between you, on behalf of the BBC in Wales, and the Welsh Government, which we received in response to a recent freedom of information request. It expresses an opinion in a way that strongly suggests that the BBC is not impartial on the issue of the devolution of broadcasting, as we would have expected from a public broadcaster.


The obvious intention of the letter is to cast doubt on the content of the report in a way that would tend to undermine its credibility when questioning the 'Broadcasting Trends' research and in saying that "the panel provides no evidence" or that the BBC “challenges the analysis" of the report.


You also state a clear opinion, in the context of the devolution of broadcasting and the establishment of the Communications and Broadcasting Authority for Wales which is essential in order to receive the new powers, that you would “strongly disagree with any suggestion that there is not much thought or innovation happening in terms of future trends and platforms", as well as the statement "I am also surprised and a little disappointed with the panel's comments about producing plays and a co-commissioning role".


When expressing an opinion in such a way, it is clear that the intention is to undermine the credibility of the report, and therefore the report's recommendation.


We would like assurance from you in writing that neither you nor BBC Wales hold an opinion or bias regarding the issue of the devolution of broadcasting to Wales and the establishment of the shadow Communications and Broadcasting Authority, and that the BBC will not try to persuade the Welsh Government, or any government, to refuse to devolve powers over broadcasting to Wales.


We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with this confirmation as soon as possible so that we can be sure of BBC Wales' commitment to be impartial in the matter.


In addition, would it be possible for us to have a meeting with you soon to discuss our concerns further?


We look forward to receiving your positive response soon.


Yours sincerely


Mirain Owen


Vice-chair, Digital Futures Group, Cymdeithas yr Iaith


Cc: Delyth Jewell MS, Chair, Senedd Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee